Saturday, 24 April 2021


Hi there!

It's been a year already since we are hit by the most scary pandemic ever. Yes, it's been all masks, sanitizers and the lockdown (though the lockdown had cleared the air last year 😉). Most of us loved the fact working from home, and now it seems we have also lost the interest in working from home as well. For some it has been a reason for relationships stranded and maybe some even grew stronger in their relationships. 

In different phases we have all seen the life, death and distress. Covid has taken many lives so far and the hope is invisible like a boat in the middle of a sea, and no sign of land anywhere. Well, imagine a sailor in this context. Imagine you were that sailor and you don't see any end to the seamless, turbulent waters! What you think or do? You'll be depressed, sure. But you don't kill yourself. Even if a thought of getting drowned flashes through mind, you still try to escape an attacking shark, don't you? You have hope my friend, that you can still survive, and that you love life!

Well, if you're reading it, you're still alive, with a hope that it may pass one day as a nightmare. This feeling, this hope, is a pivotal point of the energy that drives you day by day. 

That's it. Have hope, Give hope! This also will pass. 


I get reminded of a few lines of a song from Michael David Rosenberg (Passenger)

Song: Life's for the living


And I stumbled down to the stomach of the townWhere the widow takes memories to slowly drown
With a hand to the sky and a mist in her eye she said
Don't you cry for the lost
Smile for the living
Get what you need and give what you're given
Life's for the living so live it
Or you're better off dead

Thursday, 22 April 2021

Earth Day (2021)

 The earth has been there almost always, supporting life, sustaining itself and helping life multiply, flourish. It was not like this before, as it is today. In the name of development, we seem to have made some uninformed (and now, mostly informed) choices that have lead the life to where it is today. Pollution (of all kind we know today), wars, division, chronic diseases (talk about Covid!). 

Think, are you going leave the earth just like that, consuming it's resources and not contributing to sustain it for the future generations to come? We have so engrossed in a "production mentality" that we have reproduced like mindless creatures and as a result we're too many people in this world and resources are very oddly divided among ourselves. Have you been in a traffic jam? what are your thoughts at that time? Do you see the concrete jungle instead o the trees in your city? 

Delhi is already the most polluted city in the world. 
