Thursday, 29 June 2017

कभी सोच मुझे...मैं वही हूँ

कभी अपनी आंखों को चकाचौंध से बचा कर देख...कोई है जो तेरे खयाल में हाथ बांधे लम्हा लम्हा कर कई घंटे गुज़ार देता है।

सोचता है कि कभी यूं भी तो हो कि मेरी हर लापरवाही या ग़लती के अलावा भी जो एक इंसान है मुझमें, उससे तू रूबरू हो जाये अगर फुरसत मिले तो।

अब तो रुसवाइयों से भी फर्क नई पड़ता मुझे किसी की, क्यूंकि मैं तो हर वक़्त इस गफलत में हूँ कि उसे मनाने और दिल, दिमाग, और पूरे ज़ेहन से मोहब्बत करने में कोई कमी ना रह जाये बस...!

Saturday, 24 June 2017

Its when you...

When you've things to share nobody to talk to, it's when you're life's in a mess and no hope to count on, it's when you want to dial up to someone but the unfortunate step you take is, that you stop from calling up to that person because no more that person is interested in you
You're left alone to deal with your own stuff, created by yourself.
That's the time your life takes a turn to walk down the corridors of haunting memories when you had them walking right beside you.
You cry every time you miss that person. Actually you just can't get them out of your head at all.

Sunday, 11 June 2017

What if...!

Got up this morning, checked phone, a smile popped up...( know why...), prepared coffee, made plans...Etc, a normal day started.
Happiness all around but what if it all disappears.

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Let go...! Of things...

Often we have seen people in despair and sorrow. We also have seen people breaking down because someone did something that the person didn’t like. People go through hurt feelings and sometimes end up in drastic decisions made and destroy their own life because it doesn’t let you be free. It drags one into negativity. Once the person develops negative feelings towards other person, s/he stops enjoying (in actual sense “living”) life.

O wait a minute…! Actually when I say about “people”, it could be you or (definitely) I too.
I’ve decided to ‘let go’ of the things that bug me or get me angry or disappointed. Things are connected with certain people. And which things bother you the most? The things which are done to you by the people who are closer to you, the people whom you love.
And if you don’t let go of the things done wrongly by the people you love. You will miss them in the bargain because you can’t connect with them fully because that “wrongness” is always attached to them.
Forgiveness is the key to Relate better and Love More…
(I am trying to live it ! All the best to you !)